Beginning of development - Idea found

For 2024 Pirate Software GameJam with the theme Shadows and Alchemy

Starting off on the wrong foot: unavailable for the first three days, so project began with 9d 14h left

Engine will be Unity
Pondering on ideas for Shadows and alchemy and discarded idea for evolving secret society card game. 

Idea found: 2D puzzle game where you play as a shapeshifting shadow monster called Medium trying to return to its owner.

Setting: somewhat post Medieval-ish fantasy? Still monarchic times.

Idea comes from a creature I had marinating on my brain for a world I have been sandboxing for years now

Original name was Mailman, but that would be weird in this setting. I rejected the name Messenger as it already exists in the form of a game. Realized that the name Medium would work while being a nice pun

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